Yap another lipstick review, shamelessly I would say that I'm a lipstick hoarder. I just fallin love into makeup in the beginning of 2014 but I already have more than 20 lipstick....I no, non sense right? but, lets just pleeeeeaaaaaasssseeeee focus on this review.
Iya gais, review lipstick lagi, da aku mah apa yah? tapi aku sih emang pecandu lipstick. Baru suka makeup awal tahun 2014 sekarang udah punya lebih dr 20.....gak masuk akal yah? gakpapa lah gakpapa, tapi sudah ayok mari fokus ke review kita sajahhh mwah!
Here is the appearance. The red tube with red 'Kate' signature. For me, it is sooooooooooooo cute. It is pretty sturdy, in my opinion. Yes, the matte is in red tube, and the creamy one is in the black tub which I haven't got my hand on that (Soon, I hope :( )
Ini penampakannyaaaaa. Warnanya merah, sama ada signature kate trus ada lambang lovenya. Lucu! Eyecatching banget lah yah! Cukup kuat kok, menurutku, gak rapuh gitu lhooo. Jadi, seri Kate di Rimmel ini ada 2 jenis yg matte itu warna merah packagingnya, sedangkan yg creamy tuh warna
Yap, mine is in 103 and 104. It is my natural almost nude color for my lips. Not really cathcing people attention, cause sometimes I wear it to school.
Kepunyaanku itu shade 103 dan 104. Itu warna naturalku, karena bibirku cenderung gelap sih. Gak terlalu menarik perhatian orang kok, tp tetep keliatan warnanya laaah, soalnya kadang kadang aku pake ke sekolah sih.
Here is the shade 103, for me like soft pink with blue undertone which is good cause makes your teeth appear whither (Is whither is a word? hahaha)
Shade 103 lebih cenderung soft pink dengan tone biru, yang menurutku bagus sih soalnya bikin gigi kamu keliatan lebih putih. (kayaknya lho ya, kata orang lho yaaa)
Sorry for blurry pictm I have a hard time to focus the lips color, but I hope you can pick up the color.
Shade 104, is just soft pink (AGAINNN) But, don't blame me, cause it has different undertone, it is more kind of mauvy soft pink lipstick, more on to warm side of soft pink. HAHAHA DIFFERENT RITEEEE?
Maaf ya kalo agak blur, focusnya gak jelas nihh malah ke backgroundnya, tp ya semoga keliatan warnanya yah? udeeeh iyain aja sik ah.
Kalo shade 104 ini yaaaaa soft pink lagi sih (IYA LAGIIIIIIII) Tapitapitapitapiiiiii ini lebih ke warmnya, soalnya warnanya cenderung ke mauvy soft pink. JADI JELAS BEDA DONGGG? YEKAN? IYA AJA LAHHH HIHIHIHI
Here is the swatch on my hand:
Left is 103 and the right is 104, can you see the different rite? the left one is more soft and cool in my opinion, which the right one is slightly darker and warmer.
Kiri itu 103 dan yang kanan 104, naaaaah kebukti kan kalo bedaaaa? yang kiri lebih ke soft dan cool tone menurutku, sedangkan yg kanan cenderung sedikit lebih gelap dan masuk ke warm tone.
Formula :
Come on, are you kidding me? It is soooooo creamy, not drying on my lips what so ever. It smells good, kind of fruity but dunno what it is. The pigmentation is worth the money. So I do love it! One of my go-to lipstick lately, tbh!
Tolooooonglah yaaaaaaaah, ini tuh creamy banget dan gak bikin bibir kering, tergantung pemakai sih, tapi tanpa perlu pake lipbalm aja aku teteo nyaman kok. Ada aroma buahnya sih, tp gak mengganggu sih malah cenderung enak gituuu, tp sayangnya gak bisa deskripsiin aroma ituhhh hiks. Pigmentasinya tooop! Gak rugiiiii! salah satu lipstick kesayanganku lho saat ini!
+ Cute packaging yet sturdy for drugstore brand (cute dan kuat buat bradbrand drugstore usa)
+ Pigmentation is worth the money (Pigmentasinya top!)
+ Smells niceeee (Wanginya enak!)
+ Wide range of color in matte or creamy finish in this line (Banyak pilihan warna dari matte sampe creamy di seri lipstick ini dari rimmel)
- Hard to get in Indonesia! -KEBIASAANNNNN-
- Quite pricy for student like me (lumayan mahal qaq beneran deh)
Price? tergantung dimana sih, rangenya sekitar 90- 115k mungkin, tp kalo ketemu yg murah bisa dapet murah kok. Aku sih dapet harga 70k soalnya pas lg diskon black friday di website sana h3h3h3
Repurchase? Kidding me? yessssssss! in different shade, I will let you know if I got the new shade!
Soooooo, thats all for this post, I hope it is helping you e lilbit if you wanna pick one of this line of lipstick from rimmel. Alsooo, please follow me on all my social media (twitter, instagram, adn ask.fm) which user name is always @matsyavp
Udah segitu aja post kali ini yah, semoga membantu buat kalian yg mau beli atau po di onlenshop hihihihi. Jangan lupa follow aku yah di twitter, instagram, dan ask.fm ,semua usernamenya sama yaitu @matsyavp
I just create my first look, for the detail kindly go to my instagram which is @matsyavp
Baru bikin full-makeup look nih, buat detail product, cek aja instagram aku @matsyavp
#shamelessselfpromotion hahahahaha don't care.
Thankyou, have a nice day! Hugs and kisses from me in Indonesia! xx
Comment down below, if you find this post helping you, it means the world for me!
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