Haloooo! Holaaaa! It has been 2 months since I post my last one, but so soooooorry, I got to go back to my hometown in order to fill my holiday and the signal there is no wonder been make me crazy. So, better giving up to post ther rather than get stressed out.
(Halo udah 2 bula nih gak ngepost, tapi maaf yahhhhhhh. Aku pulang kampung nih maklum anak kost liburan hihihihihi, terusss sinyal disana yaampun tolong bikin gila. Jadi, mending nyerah sekalian drpd jd gila beneran kan? ye kannn? kiwkiw)
This post gonna be reviewed my MUA Luxe Velvet Lip Lacquer in A flush. This product in general is known as the dupe for Lime Crime in the comparasion of the formula and how long it get last in the lips. This product os popular because of the price which is suuuuuuuuper cheap. Only
£ 3 each.
(Post kali ini bakal mbahas tentang MUA Luxe Velvet Lip Lacquer in A flush. Lip Lacquer ini secara umum dibandingin sama Lime Crime karna formula dan ketahanannya dibibir. Lip Lacquer ini juga terkenal karna harganya yg benerbener murah gais! kalo di olshop sih kisaran 90k sampe dengan 140k setau aku yah)
Packaging : I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeed the packaging, it was like dove so kinda like sleep sturdy, looks like exspensive product for other who don't know about this product
(Aku suka banget sm packagingnya!! Kesannya mewah, kuat,, keliatan mahal, jd kalo dipamerin ketementemen yg belum tau kan pedeeee)
Formula : First things first, for asian type of skin color which not really in pale white like me, I do not reccomen this shade. Cause it is washed off. I never use it back when I first got it, but then I mix it with REVLON matte lipstick 009 Fabulous Fig, it become such a nice color. But, don't get me wrong, the pigmentation is worth every penny we paid, sooooooooo vivid. But, the formula tend to be super dry. So I recommen to use GOOD lipbalm before use it. Then, yes it last so many couple hours. You will never regret that. KEEP IN MIND, THIS PRODUCT (in my opininion) IS ONLY FOR THOSE WHO DYING TO LOVE MATTE LIPSTICK, NOT THE ONE WHO JUST START TO TRY MATTE LIPSTICK.
(Pertama, buat kulit macem eik yg cuma sawo mateng cenderung busuk (jujur cyn), aku gak rekomen shade ini, karna terlalu terang dan bikin muka kita keliatan gelap. Dulu pertama kali dapet, aku gak pernah pake karna gak pede, trus aku mix and match sm lipstick kepunyaanku yg akhirnya match sm REVLON matte lipstick 009 Fabulous Fig, warnanya jd cantikkk kyk yg punya blog (ngareeeeep) Tapi tapi tapiiii, pigmentasinya emang top! gak rugi!. Kurangnya menurutku adalah, formulanya cederung kering gak jelas di bibir jd aku benerbener mengharuskan pake lipbalm yg BAGUS! kayyykayyy? OYAAAAA LIPSTIK INI (menurutku) CUMA BUAT YG EMANG UDH CINTA MATI SAMA MATTE LIPSTICK, BUKAN BUAT YG BARU COBACOBA. Karena trust me, kalian akan kaget sm formulanya. :')
The applicator is kind of like lipgloss applicator which I somehow like it. (Applikatornya kayak applikator lipgloss, yg buatku cukup handy, gak blepotan)
In the swatch, the shade is superrrrrr neon pink with hints of blue in my opinion (warnanya tuh pink tapi ada birunya, bagusnya adalah, gigi jd keliatan putih lhoooo)
Yesssss, once it dissapear, it stain. its leaves beautifull natural pink stain wich I lovedddddd. ( Ya kalo ydah ilang warna lipsticknya, ninggalin jejak kok (SYAAHHH PAAN LIPSTICK PAKE JEJAK) warnanya natural pink kayak warna bibir tp lebih cantik)
Pros :
- Pigmented
- Muraaaaaah kak
- Kesannya mewah
Cons :
- The formula is too dry in my opinion.
- Hard to get in Indonesia (kudu lewat onlenshop)
Buy more of this? Yessssssssss. I want to try the holycon. Which the nude one.
Soooooooo, thats all, dont forget to follow my twitter, instagram, and ask me something on ask.fm. My username is always @matsyavp
Segitu dulu ya post kali ini, jangan lupa follow aku di twitter, instagram, dan ask.fm (boleh sekalian tanyatanya). Usernameku selalu @matsyavp. Tell me, you know me from blog! that would be awesome!
Have a nice day everyone! xx
it's cool, thnx for sharing.. :)
Thankyou, yourwelcome bytheway :)