(Akhirnya nge-review juga yah, mau tau kan palette kesayanganku akhir-akhir ini? yuk baca!)
This is my wet n wild 8 pan eyeshadow collection in comfort zone & petal pusher. I've been wanting this babies for the longest time and finally could have it!
(Ini adalah wet n wild 8 pan eyeshadow collection in comfort zone dan petal pusher. Aku udah pengen banget punya ini dari sekian lama yg lalu dan akhirnya punya deh!
This is the comfort zone, the most popular out of all the palette I would say, It contain with neutral color and everday wear!
(Ini yg judulnya Comfort Zone, paling populer diantara yang lain karna warnanya tuh netral dan bisa dipake seharihari)
This one is petal pusher, which contain with purple and pink, and as long as I know It is nice to pops the eyes for the one who have brown eyes like me.
(Ini yg petal pusher,terdiri dari warna ungu dan pink, dan katanyaaaaaa ini bagus buat yg punya mata coklat)
Packaging: I have love hate realtionship with this packaging. I mean somewhat it makes easier because the top is tranparent however it is so thin that I'm afraid will broke in anymoment soon sooooooooooo ya.
(Aku radarada gimana gitu yah, disatu sisi karna bagian atasnya transparant jd memudahkan aku kalo mau pake dan aku bisa cepet tau mana comfort zone mana petal pusher tapi tuh ringkih bangeeeet jadi aku takut rusak deh tuh karna aku tuh kan sembrah hiks)
Pigmentation: You cant go wrong with this palette, it is super cheap under $8 dollar and wet n wild often in sale for bogo 50% off so it means it could be even cheaper, and the pigmentation.......blows my mind. It is paid every single penny. It is super easy to blend. The imnus for me is all of the shades ar shimmery, so I need other palette to be transition color in my crease.
(Jangan salaaaah, palette ini udah murah tapi pigmentasinya juara lho! banyak beauty guru di youtube bilang ini palette drugstore yg paling juara urusan pigmentasi! kurang menurutku adalah semua warna dipalette ini tuh shimerry jd kalo mau pake warna transisi di crease harus pake palette lain deh)
See? It is without primer and only one swipe...you can make tons of look with only one palette of this!
(Liatkan? pigmentasinya juaraaaaaaaaaaak! Aku gak pake primer dan cuma sekali swipe aja deh...kalo kamu kreatif sih woooh kamu bisa bikin manyak #eotd cuma pake satu palette ini)
Price: In us, it maybe around $7, but keep an eye for some sale and you can get even chaper for only $4.
(kalo diindonesia, di kota-kota besar udah ada counter wet n wild kok, mungkin diatas 100k dan dibawah 150k. Sering-sering juga cek diolshop kali aja ada sale atau preloved di ig gitu)
+ Pigmentasi juara!
+ Muraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
+ Kombinasi warnanya bisa bikin kita bikin banyak look.
+ Easy to blend.
+Everyday wear-able
- All the shade is shimmery
- Packaging easy to broke in my opinion
Repurchase? yessss! Other color.
So, thats all for today's review, hope it is helping you guyyysss! Follow me on all my social media cause whenever I'm not here, I was there. twitter/instagram/ask.fm: @matsyavp
Sekian aja review dari aku hari ini semoga membantu kalian yahhh, jangan lupa follow aku disocial media biar kita bisa ngobrol lucu gitu yah? hihihihi luvv! twitter/instagram/ask.fm: @matsyavp