Kamis, 09 April 2015

My TOP 5 Youtuber! (Favorite BeautyGuru)

Hola sweetguys! Longtime no write, rite? I have lots and lots things to finish, but here I am...catching up my blog. I've been think to post this theme of post since the longest time, but I have a lot f favorite beautyguru , I''m not even kidding...but however we'll just make it into top 5 rite? I'll tell you why I love them.
(Lama gak nongol yah? sori banget, karna banyak urusan yg harus diselesein, tp taraaaam! new post! aku udah lama ngrencanain mau ngepost ini, tapi jujur aja aku suka sama banyak beautyguru di youtube, tp kalo ditulis semua bisa seberapa panjang, jadilah kita bahas top 5 favoritku dan aku kasih tau alasannya hihihi)


She is so real, her editing game is on the next level! I love every single video that she put on her channel, so dedicated so creative. It is mainly about lifestyle and some kind a joke. I mean....you'll love her.
Dia itu apa adanya, editan videonya itu wuhhh jago banget lah. Aku selalu suka setiap video yg dia upload dichannelnya, berdedikasi dan kreatif. Kebanyakan tentang gaya hidup sih, daaaaaaaan kamu bakalan suka kayaknya hihihi.


First of all, her name is adeline in case you do not know. She is so funny and again so real. Her editing on fleek also, her video is never too long so you will never get bored. She put mix of video between beauty and lifestyle in her channel, so lots of option.
Pertamatama, namanya adeline. Dia itu lucu banget, lucuuuuuuuuuu. Editingnya juga bagus dan dia nunjukin kepribadiannya secara jujur divideonya, kenapa aku suka dia. Video di channelnya ada tutorial, ada juga tentang lifestyle. Banyak pilihan! woops!


I'm really into her makeup tutorial and her taste of makeup. She lovesss drugstore makeup, which is why I love her, that I could reach the makeup she raved about. Her accents is funny, kinda original, she is soooo funny even when she was doing a tutorial.
Aku sukaaaa banget sm tutorial makeup dan citarasa dia tentang makeup. Dia suka makeup dengan harga terjangkau, makanya aku suka, soalnya aku bisa beli apa yg dia suka hihihi. Dia juga gak jaim meskipun didalam tutorial, dia lucu, dan aksen bicaranya lucu.


Her name is chloe. She is in the same age me, thats why I love her, cause it is kinda inspire me to do more. Her makeup skill is real guys, you'll learn some new tricks to do makeup, like I did. I love her tutorial because somehow the step she explained is easy to follow for beginner just like me. You might like her.
Namanya chloe, seumuran nih sama aku, itu kenapa aku suka sama dia. Dia secara gak langsung menginspirasi aku buat jd lebih dr yg udah. Skil makeupnya gak diraguin lagi, aku yakin kalo kalian nonton videonya kalian bakal sedikit banyak belajar beberapa trik dalam makeup, soalnya aku juga banyak belajar dari dia. Step-step yg dijelasin tuh gampang diikutin menurutku.


Her video is in mix between diy, lifestyle, and beauty, but most of her desire is diy. The diy that she made is easy to remake also cost nothing in my opinion in compare if you buy the real stuff. She is again so real and weird (in a good why that I love), her taste of fashion is cute also, thats why her clothes diy is on top! I love every single diy ideas that she put up, always original and cheap and also easy.
Video yg diupload itu campuran antara diy, gayahidup, dan kecantikan, tapi kebanyakan sih tentang diy soalnya yaaaa sesuai nama channel kali yah. Diy yg dibuat sama dia itu gampang buat dibikin sendiri, original, dan muraahhhh banget. Dia juga menunjukan kpribadiannya yg unik, jd yg nonton tau bener siapa dan kayak apa laur itu. Selera fashionnya juga aku suka, makanya setiap dia upload video diy baju aku langsung nonton hihihi.

Soooooo, thats wrap up all things that I wanted to share, I hope it help some of you guys to find your favorita beautyguru, comment bellow your favorite youtuber incase I do not know and I'll love them too. Don't forget to catch me up in all my social media (twitter, instagram, & ask.fm) is always @matsyavp
Segini dulu aja post hari ini, semoga membantu kalian menemukan kesukaan kalian di youtube yah hihihi siapatau jd ketagian juga kayak aku (aaak). Jangan lupa komen dibawah, siapa youtuber favorite kalian, siapa tau aku blm tau dan ternyata aku suka. Follow aku disemua sosial mediaku (twitter, instagram, & ask.fm) dengan uname @matsyavp

Love you guys, have a good day, see you in next post!

1 komentar:

  1. aaa aku suka banget sama si Kathleen

    Oya for shade colourpop Terlengkap kamu bisa check di blog ku or kindly visit IG @solagraciaproject

