READYYYYY? we start now!
1. Sariayu Bauty Cotton
Ya kayak cotton pad biasa sih, cuma setelah aku beli merk lain, aku bisa bilang kalo cotton pad ini tebel and thats help for me! :3
Repurchase? i will! soon after my own used up :D
2. Produk Body treatment by JengKenes
Aku beli dr hair mask, face mask, peeling, sampe lulur...keseluruhan smells good dan yaaaaaa lumayan lah buat harga yg murah kisaran 8000 doang loh guys! where to get it? comment down bellow! i'll tell you ;)
Repurchase? Nope! I'll prefer my maijah :>
3. Natur-e Daily Nourishing Lotion
Ini sih beli karna banyak baca review dan katanya recomended gitu yaa, ya enak sih pas di pake ada cooling efeknya baunya juga enak sih tp terlalu kuat jd kayak ganggu wangi parfum trus tuh terlalu cair menurutku sih dan gak ada spf.nya TT
Repurchase? gak ah, mau cobacoba yg lain hihihi :3
4. Pepsodent White Now
Aku tau aku tau kalian pasti bingung kenapa aku masukin produk ini, which is umumnya bukan produk kecantikan, TAPI KALO GIGINYA PUTIH CANTIK LEBIH MENARIK KAN? :)))))
Nah gigiku tuh agak kusam kali yah aku gak ngerti kenapa berharap lebih sm pasta gigi ini, tp this product doesnt work at all, its not pay off! aku kecewa gaissss :((((
Repurchase? No! I'll find somestuff better :')
5. Mustika Puteri Loose Powder
OOOOOH MY GOOD GOD! Seems like i need a hundred year just to used it up, aku gak tau apa karna coveragenya yg bagus jd aku gak perlu pake banyak jd awet atau karna apa lah, ini kayak mau hampir setahun aku pake, dan terusterusan, tp kok aweeeeeeeet banget-_-
Tapi, aku suka! coveragenya lumayan buat loose powder yg teksturnya ringan banget gak cakey jelas dan pas sama shade muka aku, love that!
Repurchase? no! aku udh punya penggantinya, dan mau nyoba yg lain, maklum bosenan :3
6. Mustika Ratu Olive Zaitun Bath & Shower Gel
This product smells sooooooooo oldish! i dunno why, i know i love the olive oil which is in the same brand with this bath & shower gel, but yunno its smells just not for teenage like me i think
Repurchase? NEVER!
7. Wardah Lightening Facial Serum
Kyaaaaaaaak my new holly grail in my face treatment!!!!!!! This stuff do the job perfectly for me, mukaku gak kusam lagi sekarang, ya mendingan lah menurutku, kan baru botol pertama, dan meskipun ini kecil banget which is cuma 5 ml, tp pakenya bisa 3mingguan irit bangeeeeet, padahal aku pake 2 kali :D
Repurchase? Asking?! Are you kidding me?! Yes! sudah malah :D
8. Mustika Puteri Body Splash
I'm crazyyyyyy in love with this smell, amazinggggg. This is my 3rd bottle, massive rite? You will know that i love it! :D
Repurchase? I WILL! :3
9. My Darling Mascara "Black"
Enggg gimana yah sebenernya ini udah lama gak dipake, karna sebagai maskara ini gak ngaruh ke bulu mataku yg letoy tipis dan tak berdaya ini, jd aku anggurin untuk sekian lama, kemudian aku dpt ilmu dr mamaku kalo bisa dipake buat ngrapihin alis sekaligus kasih efek tebel, NAAAAH mulai deh rutin lagi pake maskara ini, tapi seminggu rutin pake maskara ini berbau tengik, aku gaktau kenapa :')
Repurchase? SURE! For my brow stuff :3
WOHOOOOO thats all my empties for last month, aku berusaha berpendapat sejujur mungkin gaiss, no offense looh :D
I'll wait your comment down bellow or mail me at matsyaavatara at yahoo dot com or get closer and have a chat on twitter at matsyavp ,have a great day fellas!
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BalasHapusIn a titanium wood stoves pan saute oil and 1 teaspoon salt combine. 1 titanium jewelry piercing 1. Add the oil to a 해외야구 pan and combine. titanium nose rings Add 1 cup titanium trim as seen on tv water. Allow the pan to cook, about 20 minutes.